
Anti-War Haiku Wall

You can participate to the wall by sending your haiku, tanka, haibun, short or linked forms to our editors :

In English :
Alenka Zorman (Slovenia) alenka.zorman AT siol.net (for South-East Europe)

In English or in French to :

Serge Tomé (Belgium)


Or you can participate to the mailing-list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/awhw/ by sending your admission request to:

Serge Tomé (Belgium)



General rules

Every publication (text, poetry, image...) is done under the only responsibility of its author who implicitly declares to have the publication rights. The editors or members of the project team have no responsibility in any legal/civil action related to materials published on this site and mailing-list.

All material published on this site and mailing-list are protected by the implicit copyright of its author. We don't request any exclusive rights. As we are not a publication site, or a magazine, your publication remains free.

All problems between members have to be resolved off-list. You must contact the moderators (mailing list) or one of the editors (site pages) before any further action.

The site editors and moderators have the right to remove any information from the mailing-list or the site pages if they cause problem to the project. Nevertheless, it is necessary to have an agreement in the team.

Every author has the right to ask the remove of any of his/her submissions without giving any reason.

Every author has the possibility to sign with initials or a pseudo.


We don't accept :

-- Attacks against people, ethnics, nations, groups. Political attacks
must be limited to the anti-war opposition.

-- Expression of racism, of nationalism.

-- Hate, mockery against distressed people. Please know that a war is a
very grave thing.

-- Slogans, political positions and speeches out of the strict anti-war


In every circumstances, the Human Being and its dignity must be respected.


Writing rules

We have defined areas for different writings. It is the editor's
responsibility to chose where your submission will be placed in the site

** The protest wall

Senryu, haiku, experimental haiku.
No slogan

** The walls

Haiku following the general rules (environment, caesura, images, no
abstraction, no poetic devices)
Our intentions are to publish good quality haiku and senryu.

** The haibun zone

Haibun following the general rules. A text constructed to be illustrated
by a haiku.

** The linked form zone

Any cooperative poetry based on haiku, tanka

** The short forms zone

Any short forms. Selection done by the editor's.


Moderators speak in the name of the team. A moderator is obliged to have the agreement of the others before any important actions like, by example, members banning, putting under approval procedures... Nevertheless, a moderator has the right to take immediately any necessary action in case of serious violations of the rules. He must then ask the others for an agreement.

The archives of the list are public, so don' t remember that you have published under your name.