
Anti-War Haiku Wall

Our present team :

Micheline Beaudry (Canada)
Marlene Mountain (USA)
Moussia (Italy)
Daniel Py (France)
Serge Tomé (Belgium)
Alenka Zorman (Slovenia)

Special thanks to Carmen Sterba (Japan) and Cindy Tebo (USA) who were in the founders of this project.


Site and project management
Serge Tomé


Historical section, past wars, war literature ...
Carmen Sterba (Japan)
Cindy Tebo (USA) priszm CHEZ aol.com

Pour le monde francophone...
Serge Tomé (Belgium)

For Italy and Europe ...
Moussia (Italy) moussiawall CHEZ yahoo.com

For South-East Europe ...
Alenka Zorman (Slovenia) alenka.zorman CHEZ siol.net


Moderators of our mailing list awhw CHEZ yahoogroups.com

Serge Tomé (Belgium)



Watchwoman, researcher (links and news)

Micheline Beaudry (Canada) beaudrymicheline CHEZ hotmail.com



Serge Tomé (Belgium)